Since 2008
After almost a decade of the office desk job experience, I longed for something more fulfilling to my character, to focus and spend my energy helping others. I was inspired to go to massage school because I felt that healthy touch is essential to a vital core, stimulating countless benefits and improving the quality of life.
In 2007 I completed my training from The Brian Utting School of Massage through their extensive 1,000 hour massage licensing program and I have remained passionately engaged since. My professional experience includes my sole-propriatorship; Banyan Massage since February of 2008, as well as various chiropractic and massage clinics, spa environments and onsight chair massage. Having worked with all types of conditions, ages, injuries and disabilities over the years, I am passionate and intuitive about adapting my techniques and pressure to meet the needs of each person, in each moment. I focus on lengthening and loosening the body, relaxing the mind and soothing the heart. I look forward to working with you in facilitating a space for healing and pain-free living!
The massage I give is a blend of deep tissue with relaxation intent. Through continuity and depth, I combine such work as Neuromuscular Technique to engage the nervous system and help release muscle tension, spasms and trigger points, Range of Motion and stretching to increase mobility and awareness in the body and Lomi Lomi which engages the circulatory system and provides a deep sense of relaxation. I offer stretching techniques to try at home as well as tips to increase your over-all function and ease. I trust natural remedies and offer free samples of a very safe and effective topical pain relief cream, Topricin, which uses a propritory blend of homeopathic remedies focusing on long term healing through decreasing inflammion and pain. Topricin is free of side effects, just as pain relief should be!
My continuing education includes:
Head & Neck Treatment and Technique
Connective Tissue Manipulation (CTM, also known as the German technique, Bindgewebs)
Myofascial Release
Chinese Cupping Therapy
Intro to Manual Lymphatic Drainage Faciliation (MLD)
Intro to Manual Ligament Treatment (MLT)
Intro to Active Isolated Stretching (AIS)
CPR/First Aid
Why the name Banyan Massage?
People often ask me, “why the name Banyan Massage?” I have always felt gratitude and connection to trees, offering for me, a deep sense of perspective and lightness. I feel the same with massage.
Trees have an intricate root system similar to our nervous system. I am drawn to Banyan Trees for their strong, anchoring like connectivity. I also liken them to a giving tree as they provide a massive canopy of shade in the hot climates where they are native.

I am a professional member of
American Bodywork & Massage Professionals
I have a current Washington State License with the Department of Health # MA00025363